OsteoGen Plug Serrated Curette
The OsteoGen Plug Serrated Curette is used to ensure a thorough debridement of the socket following tooth extraction. Debridement involves removing any foreign or unwanted materials from the extraction site, ensuring healthy bone growth. The serrated curettes are an ideal instrument to remove soft tissue and stimulate bleeding from the osseous base. This procedure will also establish the regional acceleratory phenomenon, which is known to stimulate new bone formation and graft incorporation.
At 2.4mm in diameter, this smaller-sized curette is good for the anterior region of the mouth. It can also be used for periodontal scaling, calculus debridement, and root planing. At Impladent, we carry a wide selection of dental tools and OsteoGen products, including allograft, plugs, and dental equipment. Browse our selection today, and get everything you need for a safe and successful socket extraction.
