Home > Learning Center > Blog > Frequently Asked Questions About Impladent's OsteoFlex™ Resorbable Pericardium Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs: Answered for Dentists

As a dentist, you may have questions about Impladent LTD's OsteoFlex™ Resorbable Pericardium Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs and their usage in dental implant procedures. In this blog, we will address some of the frequently asked questions specific to dental professionals.

1. What are the main uses of OsteoFlex™ Resorbable Pericardium Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs in implant dentistry?

OsteoFlex™ Resorbable Pericardium Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs are commonly used in implant dentistry for guided bone regeneration and surgical socket preservation. They help maintain the space necessary for proper bone regeneration and support the integration of dental implant materials.

2. How do OsteoFlex™ Resorbable Pericardium Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs contribute to successful bone regeneration?

OsteoFlex™ Resorbable Pericardium Membranes act as a protective barrier, preventing soft tissue infiltration and promoting the growth of new bone. OsteoGen® Plugs provide stability to bone graft sites, allowing for optimal healing and bone regeneration.

3. Are there any specific techniques for using OsteoFlex™ Resorbable Pericardium Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs?

Impladent LTD provides comprehensive instructions for the usage of OsteoFlex™ Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs. It is crucial to follow these guidelines to ensure proper application and achieve the desired clinical outcomes.

4. Can OsteoFlex™ Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs be used in combination with other grafting materials?

Yes, OsteoFlex™ Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs can be used in conjunction with various bone graft materials and membranes typically used in implant dentistry procedures. This versatility allows for customized treatment plans based on individual patient needs.

5. Where can I find clinical studies or evidence supporting the efficacy of OsteoFlex™ Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs?

Impladent LTD provides access to scientific literature, clinical studies, and case reports that demonstrate the effectiveness and success of OsteoFlex™ Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs. Contact Impladent LTD to access these resources and stay up to date with the latest research in implant dentistry.

6. How can I obtain OsteoFlex™ Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs for my dental practice?

Impladent LTD works with dental professionals to provide access to their products. Reach out to Impladent LTD or our authorized distributors to inquire about obtaining OsteoFlex™ Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs for your practice.

7. Are there any training or educational resources available for using OsteoFlex™ Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs?

Impladent LTD offers training and educational resources to dental professionals interested in incorporating OsteoFlex™ Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs into their implant dentistry practice. Contact Impladent LTD to inquire about available resources and opportunities for professional development.


If you have further questions about utilizing OsteoFlex™ Membranes and OsteoGen® Plugs in your implant dentistry practice, contact us. We can provide you with the necessary information and support to incorporate these innovative products into your dental treatment protocols successfully.