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The Role of Bone Grafting in Dental Implant Procedures Explained

Bone grafting plays a crucial role in dental implant procedures, and Impladent is at the forefront of providing innovative solutions in this field. When it comes to successful dental implantation, having a strong and healthy foundation is essential, and bone grafting helps to achieve just that. Impladent offers a range of bone grafting products that promote proper bone regeneration, ensuring the long-term success of dental implants. Learn more below, and explore OsteoGen® Plugs online today.

What Is Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting is a procedure that involves adding bone or bone-like materials to the jawbone to strengthen and support dental implants. This is necessary when the patient's bone density or structure is insufficient due to factors like tooth loss, gum disease, or injury. By augmenting the bone, dentists can create a solid foundation for the implant, providing stability and preventing implant failure.

Bone Grafting in Dental Implant Procedures

Bone grafting plays a crucial role in dental implant procedures by providing a solid foundation for successful implant placement. When a patient suffers from tooth loss, the jawbone can deteriorate over time due to the absence of tooth roots. This deterioration can lead to a lack of bone density and volume, making it challenging to support dental implants. To overcome these challenges, dentists often turn to bone grafting procedures to strengthen and regenerate the jawbone. Bone grafting involves the placement of natural or synthetic bone material into the affected area, stimulating new bone growth and providing the necessary support for dental implants.

Restores Bone Loss

There are several reasons why bone grafting is necessary in dental implant procedures. Firstly, it helps restore lost bone volume and density caused by tooth loss or other factors, such as gum disease. Without an adequate amount of bone, dental implants may not have enough support to integrate with the jawbone successfully

Helps Decrease Bone Resorption

Secondly, bone grafting addresses the issue of bone resorption. When a tooth is lost, the surrounding bone begins to deteriorate due to the lack of stimulation from the tooth root. Over time, this can result in significant bone loss and a weakened jawbone. Bone grafting helps counteract bone resorption by stimulating the growth of new bone cells, preserving the jawbone's integrity.

Common Bone Grafting Procedures

Bone grafting procedures can take different forms, depending on the severity of bone loss and the patient's individual needs. The three main types of bone grafts used in dental implant procedures are autografts, allografts, and xenografts.

  • Autografts involve using the patient's own bone, typically sourced from another area of their body, such as the hip or jaw. This type of graft offers excellent compatibility and promotes natural bone growth. However, it requires an additional surgical site, which can lead to increased risk and discomfort. Allografts, on the other hand, use bone material from a human donor. The donor bone is carefully processed and sterilized before transplantation.
  • Allografts eliminate the need for a second surgical site but may carry a small risk of rejection.
  • Xenografts utilize bone material sourced from an animal, typically a cow. Similar to allografts, xenografts are processed to remove any potential biological contaminants. While xenografts are readily available and cost-effective, they may have a slightly lower success rate compared to autografts and allografts.

Impladent's OsteoGen® Plugs

Impladent's OsteoGen® Plugs are an example of innovative bone grafting solutions that can greatly benefit dental implant procedures. OsteoGen® Plugs are made from highly purified and safe bone grafting material derived from bovine sources. These plugs are designed to provide osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties, stimulating new bone growth and promoting optimal osseointegration.


The OsteoGen® Plugs are available in different sizes, allowing dentists to choose the most suitable option based on the patient's specific needs. The versatility and reliability of these plugs offer significant convenience to both dentists and patients.


After a bone grafting procedure, the patient needs time to heal and allow the newly transplanted bone to integrate with the existing jawbone. This process, known as osseointegration, typically takes several months. During this time, the patient may need to follow a soft-food diet and avoid putting excessive pressure on the treated area.

Dental Implant Procedure

Once the bone graft has successfully integrated, the patient is ready for dental implant placement. The implants, typically made of titanium, are surgically inserted into the jawbone and act as artificial tooth roots. Over time, the implants fuse with the surrounding bone, providing a stable and long-lasting foundation for the placement of artificial teeth.

Get Started Today

Bone grafting is a vital component of dental implant procedures, helping to restore lost bone volume and density, counteract bone resorption, and provide a solid foundation for successful implant placement. With advancements in technology and various grafting options available, dentists can tailor the procedure to suit each patient's unique needs, increasing the likelihood of optimal outcomes. Impladent's OsteoGen® Plugs, with their osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties, offer a reliable and convenient bone grafting solution that further enhances the success of dental implant procedures. To learn more, check out our resources page, give us a call, and explore online today!